Inspired. Illumination For Your Limitless Potential. Realized!
SOL Luminaries Leadership Network
How interesting is life? The serendipity and miraculous flow of all life, that is streaming together in a waterfall of vibrant cascading crystalline experiences that has brought you to this page, right now, in this moment? It is no accident, of course, that you have arrived here, in the midst of your journey!
This is a sacred space for those who are hurting or lost; Reiki Healing is a Doorway of loving release and healing transformation for anyone who bravely chooses now to Remember who they are; for those who are seeking to find the "Good Feeling Place" again, that Eternal Well Spring of Joy and Divine Loving inside you that is beyond the illusions of pain, anxiety, fear, depression, stress, overwhelm and sadness.
Welcome to A Tree Of Light I AM and your Healing Journey!
If you are ready to set down the mental, emotional, physical and spiritual baggage that you are carrying and unlock the doors to your greater health, joy and expansion- this website and these proven tools and techniques for healing and transformation are for you.
I know, that sometimes, you may feel forever lost, in a daze of confusion, overwhelm, anxiety, pain, and fear. There is a way to heal and transform your life and move beyond the things that are holding you back and causing you resistance to Feeling A Joy Filled Life Again!
My name is Shining Star. Welcome to the Heart of the Matter.
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The Seeds of Light, Planted in our Hearts, are God's Promise of Love, Health and Truth.
About Us
Welcome to Our Sacred Stream of Consciousness for Reiki Healing, Transformation, Expansion and Peace in the Living Iridescence of Love
I AM like you. We are Children of the Light And we are Eternal Seekers of the Truth that is beyond the veil of what seems to be. You are here, because you either know that there is undoubtedly something more for you in this life or you are here because you are hurting, confused or fearful about your future or your past.
Regardless of the reason you are here, you are probably looking for More Love, More JOY! More Peace, More Balance, More Clarity and More Good Feelings in your life. Hmmm.. I bet You crave the feeling of connection that transcends time and space. But you may also have a deep seated ache that questions your worthiness to feel loved, and that hurts your heart. You crave a sense of peace that feels like delicious warm, caramel rivers of golden love flowing all around and in you. But you are so busy in your life that you forget to invite grace and tenderness into your life and actions. You are excited and ready to be reminded of what it feels like to be free and have the hopes and dreams of the innocent child inside you Fulfilled! And I bet you are eager to feel that delicious wildly Fun feeling of dancing in the rain barefoot and joyously free! And brothers and sisters, you desperately want to putdown the heavy baggage of pain, frustration, anxiety, depression, illness, stress, dis-ease, imbalance and separation that you have been tirelessly lugging along with you throughout your life.
If these words resonate with your heart, you are not alone. Hundreds of people that I coach and mentor or do healing transformations for come to me because they are Expanding and Transforming their lives by Choosing the Healing Path.
Ways to Engage:
SOL Luminous Leaders-
Inspired Divine Guidance and Meditation with Like Minded Heart Led Leaders held by zoom every other Tuesday from 9:00-10:00 MST (by Invitation only please text Shining Star at 303.810.5528)
Personal Guided Meditations with Shining Star
The Healing Cup Blog
SOL Luminous Leadership Workshops
So, Why Does This Matter?
Because this is about Remembering who you are (Unharnessed and Unleashed) from the old ideas, concepts, feelings, emotions, energies and happenings of your life experiences. This is about making the choice to, and learning how to release the resistance of dark webs, blockages, attachments, emotions, and grievances, ect. so that you can live your life as the best version of your Diamond self. This is about Asking for, Accepting and Allowing, the release of that which is no longer serving you, in your highest soul purpose and highest soul light. This is about welcoming the ancient wisdom of your deep eternal heart through the awakening of your understanding. You are a shining star; a brilliant light in the darkness of space; A Sun of God.
Because when we are more completely who we are in the fullness of our expansion, Expressing our I AM, (the divine essence of loving truth and connection) in our health and joy; in our willingness to be vulnerable, and forgiving of our ourselves and our trespasses, and humble and grateful for all of our blessings; we Become the Foundation of Light and your path will be Alight with Abundance and Prosperity, Serendipity, Love and Joy of the sustained and nourished heart! Your Heart-Light Lit, will ease the burden and stress of your day and to lighten and gladden your footsteps. This connection, rebooted, if you will, will call to you clarity and alignment with your Diamond HEART , which is the highest version of yourself and your soul potential. And the greatest secret of them all, healing this world, begins with healing ourselves first. The emotions that you are feeling now, put lightly, is the experiencing of the contractions of YOUR expansion. So say YES to your Expansion and Healing! And in so doing, you are also saying YES to your Transformation and Transformative Power as a Divine Energy of Love that has the ability to Bless and Heal our Whole World. If that isn't a why statement, i don't know what is!!!! The Truth is that when you Choose to Heal you Witness that Healing inside of you and Demonstrate that Healing to others. And our Healing will Light them with our love because we have learned to truly and authentically love ourselves and heal ourselves, and our waters and blessings shall runneth over!
Perhaps you are here because you are ready to embrace the Healing Journey through divine Inspiration and Transformation........
And once you walk through that doorway, Everything Changes!
What is the Right Next Step for Me?
When you are asking this kind of question, we need to surrender first. I tell all my clients to put their hands on their heart and to take a deep breath before asking any questions like this. So, put your hand on your heart, gently, and close your eyes. Feel your heart, Feel your truth that is deep inside of you. What is your truth? What is the best possible action you can take right now that supports your highest good and highest light?
Nobody can answer this for another soul. The first step is always yours.
If your heart resonates with the truth and energy that you feel in these words and you are ready to reach for true transformation and the remembering that comes when you embrace your Divine Light- let's have a conversation.
The entire purpose of this work is to release the resistance that has held you stuck or sick and to move your forward into your expansion!
Today, I AM Inviting you
Into the Light of the Ever Shining Truth
of God's Living Breath-
I Invite you to sit with your heart
and to know her;
I Invite you to be with your breath
and to feel her-
I invite you into the heart of the living lotus of life
and love and truth.
I Invite you, to Know yourself
and your power,
in the Remembering of all you are
and all you are capable of right now.
Welcome to all I AM
and All you are
in the Eternal Light.
I AM Shining Star
Welcome to your Expansion!
When you are ready~