Yes! It is that time of year again! The joy of sharing special time with friends and family, meaningful conversations of connectivity and loving expressions, of generosity and kindness! Time to decorate the halls, bring out the lighted reindeer you had in storage all year, hang the lights and bedazzle the tree in all it's festive trimmings!
And yet, sometimes we allow our stress, anxiety, our "woulds", "coulds", "shoulds" and "have tos" steal the joy right out of the season of sharing!
One of my SOL Luminaries reached out to me yesterday and said, "Shining star, I am not sure what to do! I have four things I am supposed to do on Thursday night and I am stressed out and tired and overwhelmed! Infact I am so overwhelmed, I can't even find my Joy for the thing right in front of me that I am doing and I don't have the energy to want to do the things I need and want to do for my family!"
I looked at her and smiled into her heart and said, "Sara, of all of these things, What is the one thing that will bring you the most Joy?" And she looked at me and said, "going to the mountains with my friends, that I haven't seen in years!" And I looked at her and said, "then I go do that!" It's funny but my words had a finality in them, that she had not been able to give herself. And in that moment, she gave herself permission to let go of all of the "woulds", "coulds" "shoulds" and "have tos" and she was happy. She was happy with her decision, but more than that, even, she was relieved!
Don't let the Grinch of heavy responsibility and obligation hold you captive in this holiday season! It is easy to do and it is a slippery slope.
Find your JOY. Share your JOY. THAT is what the Holidays are all about! Christmas could be reframed as Christ-more! Find you Joy! Enjoy your JOY! And share your Joy!
If you don't remember how do to that, it is okay! Just sit for a moment in your stillness, in your heart and imagine the smile of a baby smiling inside of you! Feel the contentment, the joy of a baby cooing, nursing at the breast of his mother. Allow yourself to feel the Joy of Christmas this year and choose Love over Fear! Choose Joy over Frustration! There is still time to wiggle free from the stress of the Holiday Grinch before he drops you in the pot!
Love and Light Eternal,
Merry Christmas!
Shining Star