i was once a child, young and innocent
Return to me my youth!
Return to me my innocence!
let me go dancing and stomping
in the pools of water,
for the pure joy of it!
let me stare up into a dark sky filled with sparkling stars,
for the pure wonder of it!
let me go rolling down a green velvet hill,
for the sheer devilment of it!
Oh God! i call out to you and ask you
to Remind my heart, my body, and my mind
what it was once like to be young and innocent!
And if thou cannot return to me my youth,
return to me my innocence
and i shall guard it
like the lighthouse guards the sea-
in vigilance, and in every way
Remind me of the elasticity
of my flexible mind and body
Remind me of the purity of my own
tender heart
and lift me up in your arms
so that i may kiss your face
and know that i am free!
Shine Bright, the World Needs YOUR Light, Now More Than Ever!
Shining Star @ www.ATreeOfLightIAM.com
and now on Instagram @ Shining Star