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Shining Star

You Can be Tired, but Not Empty!

I AM always seeking guidance and inspiration from those who Invite others to find their own Joy. I AM Inspired by those who Fearlessly grasp the ribbons of possibility and run with them because as they run with their dreams, they demonstrate their joy to those who witness them fly. I AM blessed and I AM Grateful because it is in these precious moments of sharing that we can gain the gift of Clarity and Inspiration and Love in our own lives.

In this life, I have learned, that it is okay to be down. It is okay to cry and scream. And it is okay some days, not to shine. What is important is that we Remember that it is possible for us to shine and that we make the choice to shine more often than we make the choice to hide.

Today's inspiration comes from Brendon Burchard, the Author of the Motivation Manifesto, and High Performance Habits- How Extraordinary People Become That Way and Founder of HPX Live and GrowthDay. His words hit me hard today.

"You can be Tired, but not Empty.

You can be down some days, but still in Awe of life.

You can hurt, but still Dream."

- Brendon Burchard

Let those words seep in and rejuvenate your heart and the other places that may be hurting today. Give yourself permission to cry- to release, to scream out loud to the heavens and Earth! It isn't fair and sometimes it doesn't seem right. Sometimes we have holes in our heart that we just can't seem to fill. And we have days where the grotesqueness of our own reality seems to crush us like a wave.

In those moments, we must Remember that we are not alone. We are never alone in the journey!

~ Shining Star


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