Imagine that there is a map that leads to your Joy! It leads you right through the desert of fear and anger and into the waiting sands; and through the roaring winds and across the raging rivers and INTO the most Beautiful Valley where Sunbeams kiss your face and you can easily scoop up Diamonds that float on the rivers!
And in this place, in this Beautiful Valley You Know who you are, you have a Defined Purpose that creates Joy within you and you are FULL filled in every possible way!
But what Happens IF you Stop when you hit the roaring winds and bemoan that you are not there yet; that you are not WHERE you want to be, or WHO you want to be or experiencing the Love and Abundance and Joy that YOU want in this life?
IT is NOT that we cannot get there! We were born with a deep eternal map; a Blueprint that is quietly, gently leading us towards our Bliss! No, it is not that we cannot get there! It is only that we choose sometimes to stop and rest a bit short of the Valley of Sunbeams and Diamonds!
The Map in our Heart will Lead us to our Bliss but most often and almost always, there is a seasoning period. A time of waiting on God, a time of resting in the waiting sands, a time of facing the roaring winds; waist deep in the river. And it is in facing these trials, that we grow Strong in our Convictions about WHAT we want, and WHO we are and it is in the strength of these convictions that we Strive for something More. And it is in these Declarations, that we find the Courage and Compassion within us to reach for the compass of Love, with Faith, that is the Doorway to what lies beyond the Waiting place, the Hurting place and the Frustration zone. It is the Butterfly that struggles in the cocoon that grows Strong enough to Fly! So, If we can just Surrender Worry for Faith and take another Courageous step, we will find ourselves soon enough, in the Valley of Sunbeams & Diamonds!
~ Shining Star